Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas is for kids

I came to Peru to primarily work with disabled young adults, but have also been able to experience other types of work alongside this with my church - for example going to Maca last weekend. Today was another one of these experiences - after the morning service today (Sunday 23rd) I went to a kids home with a few other people from the church for a little Christmas service.

We arrived at about 1.45 but there were no kids there yet, they were at another place, but by 2pm they were all there - about 35 of them. 

What did we do? Well we sang songs, and a drama (the same drama from Maca) however some changes were made, it did not include the kid like last time- we focused on Christmas being about food, papa noel, the tree and presents - and then we were told that that was not what Christmas was about, its all about Jesus. Again we finished it off by singing a song about the importance of Christmas. 

Singing with actions!

The boys singing


Then Pastor Abel gave a short talk - again in this talk he emphasised that Christmas might be fun with presents, food etc but that is not what its all about. When we had finished speaking he invited the kids to pray a pray asking Jesus into their lives - which some seemed to do with joy.


After that we finished with another song and then we said our goodbyes. It was a lovely afternoon. On the way out someone introduced me to a little kid of 12 years old who spoke fantastic English -  I told her that at 12 her English was better than my is easier to learn another language as a child. She learnt it in America. She went to America and visited 24 different states in a few months raising money for herself and the other children in this home.  I must confess I did ask her, her name but my memory is failing me and have already forgotten it. Not good at all. But it was good to have a wee chat with someone in English - even though when I was first introduced to her, I could not think of one single English word to say, how strange!! 

To see more photos please click here 

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